AI Data Source

You can upload your company details as website url, text, pdf , doc or even as website sitemap.

Website and Sitemaps: By incorporating website data and sitemaps into the chatbot's knowledge base, you enable the AI to understand the structure and content of your site comprehensively. This allows the chatbot to guide visitors effectively, whether they're looking for product details, service offerings, or specific contact information. It can navigate the sitemap to fetch real-time data and deliver accurate information, improving the overall user experience and reducing bounce rates.

Plain Text: Uploading materials in plain text format is an efficient way to feed the AI with straightforward, essential information without the need for complex formatting. This could include FAQs, company policies, product descriptions, or any other text-based content relevant to your audience. The Inoz Chatbot can parse this text to answer user queries accurately, ensuring a seamless flow of information that keeps users engaged and informed. #DOC and DOCX: Word documents are often used for internal documentation, training manuals, product sheets, and more. By allowing uploads in DOC and DOCX formats, the Inoz Chatbot can access a wide range of detailed content. This makes it possible for the chatbot to pull specific excerpts or information when responding to nuanced inquiries, providing responses that feel more personalized and comprehensive. ### PDF: PDFs are commonly used for official documents, brochures, and detailed guides. Their content often includes rich information that could be valuable to users. By uploading PDF files, you ensure that the chatbot can reference high-value materials to answer queries that require depth and specificity. This capability is especially useful for detailed product specifications, technical support documents, or user guides. ### TXT INPUT: TXT files, while simple, are incredibly versatile for quickly updating the AI's knowledge base with new data or changes. Text files can be used to upload lists, instructions, updates, or any textual content that can enhance the chatbot's responses. This flexibility ensures that the chatbot remains current and is consistently providing the most accurate information available.

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